Learn the actual practice of spiritual and yoga meditation!
What Do Yoga and Spiritual Mean?
“Yoga” means union and represents practices that get you to the experience of the yogic union.
"Spiritual" refers to what lies beyond the physical and mental planes. Spiritual encompasses the higher level of existence and awareness that goes beyond the grasp of the senses and the mind.
Spiritual and Yogic practices connect you to the essential sense of being that is more profound than our everyday consciousness.
Understanding Yoga Meditation and Spiritual Meditation

Yoga Meditation is synonymous with Spiritual Meditation, as both guide you to experience what you are beyond the body and mind. Yoga Meditation finds its root in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra 1.2, which states:
This translates to: "Yoga is the cessation of the mis-identifications on the field of the mind."
In Yoga Meditation and Spiritual Meditation you quiet the mind by watching thoughts. This practice eventually leads you to the state of pure awareness.
In Yoga Meditation and Spiritual Meditation you quiet the mind by watching thoughts. This practice eventually leads you to the state of pure awareness.
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How to Practice Yoga Meditation and Spiritual Meditation?

1. Sit in a Quiet Space
Sit in a comfortable position. Choose a spot where you won’t be disturbed, allowing yourself to focus solely on the meditative process.
2. Steady Your Breath
Take a few moments to help calm your mind and body by engaging in conscious breathing. Pay attention to the in-going and out-going breath. In this way, bring your breathing into a steady pattern.
3. Close Your Eyes
Gently close your eyes and direct your attention inside.*don’t worry if you don’t know what that means, just try.
4. Watch Your Thoughts
Watch your thoughts as they rise and fall. Keep awareness of the movement of your breath and continue to watch. When you notice thoughts rising, pull back and watch them instead. Don’t become identified with them. If you find yourself getting caught up in a thought, gently return to watching.
The act of watching your thoughts without identifying with them is known in Yoga as the practice of "witness consciousness."
5. Maintain a Steady Posture
Keep your posture steady and your breath even for 10 minutes. This will help you let the body mind reality recede in your consciousness as you go deeper into meditation.
6. Chant the Sound OM
At the end of the practice, chant "OM." This OM will anchor you in awareness, as you finish your practice and transition to ordinary life.
7. Open Your Eyes
Slowly open your eyes and observe any changes to your state of being. Take a moment to note any effects or insights you may have experienced during the meditation.
The Value of Practicing Yoga Meditation
Engaging in yoga meditation or spiritual meditation allows you to connect with the you that exists beyond the body and mind. This practice isn’t woo-woo, it is genuine and based on the practice of the yogis of ancient times. It offers you the opportunity to have direct experience with your true self, beyond thoughts, ideas and language; beyond personality. Continuous practice of Yoga Meditation or Spiritual Meditation leads to yogic awareness which gives you a sense of peace and ease that transcends ordinary understanding.
Regular practice of Yoga Meditation and Spiritual Meditation also gives you a deeper sense of grounding. By dedicating time to sit in stillness, you signal to yourself that you’re willing to engage all aspects of your being, including those beyond the physical and mental realms.
It’s to be noted: Spiritual practices don’t call for us to abandon our humanity. Instead, it’s about being fully present with all aspects of self, and ultimately, the higher self that underlies all.
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The Effects of Yoga Meditation and Spiritual Meditation
Yoga Meditation and Spiritual Meditation guide you to important spiritual benefits of meditation:
1. Calmer in Daily Life: Through the practice of Yoga Meditation and Spiritual Meditation, you feel calmer in your everyday life.
2. Inner Stillness: Even amidst external chaos, you have a steady inner stillness and wisdom to return to.
3. Self-Check-Ins: Regular Yoga Meditation and Spiritual Meditation helps you stay connected with your inner self and stay connected with your well-being.
4. Enhanced Steadiness: Regular Yoga Meditation and Spiritual Meditation cultivates a sense of steadiness and resilience in you.
5. Intuitive Access: Through Yoga Meditation and Spiritual Meditation, you develop a stronger connection to your intuition and that ain’t nothing.
6. Feel Grounded: Through Yoga Meditation and Spiritual Meditation, you feel more at ease and grounded in your life overall.
By integrating yoga meditation and spiritual meditation into your life, you not only experience the benefits of a quieter mind, but you connect with your spiritual self, and it turns out that that carries with it significant benefits.
If you have a question, or are looking for Yoga Meditation or Spiritual meditation (for a Guided Spiritual Meditation class) contact us today and join our community!
1. How to connect spiritually with meditation?
Focus on quieting your mind, observing thoughts. Tap into the awareness that exists beyond your body and mind.
2. What is the difference between meditation and the specific practice of Yoga meditation and Spiritual Meditation?
In modern times, people use meditation to calm the mind; spiritual meditation and yoga meditation aren’t only about calming you down from modern life’s problems. Yoga meditation and Spiritual Meditation are about transcending the physical and mental planes, accessing higher awareness, and experiencing your true essence.
3. How do you meditate to feel God's presence?
Sit still, practice observing your thoughts, the pull will be strong to follow your thoughts, don’t follow that pull. Instead focus on watching them, as a witness. Chant "OM" and sit still and feeling the divine.
4. How do I start meditating properly?
Sit in a quiet space, steady your breath, watch your thoughts without following them. Hold this practice for 10 minutes 3 days a week and gradually increase the time by 2 min every two weeks. Chant "OM." Open your eyes and note any changes you perceive in your state and in your life as a result of this practice.
5. What is Yoga Meditation and Spiritual Meditation?
Yoga Meditation and Spiritual Meditation guide the student to watch the thoughts that rise in the mind and feel what you are beyond the body and mind. In this way, you access higher awareness, your true self, and the deeper aspects of existence beyond thought.
6. Is meditation spiritual?
Meditation becomes spiritual when it transcends a relaxation practice and leads you to awareness with your higher self, which is called the divine or universal consciousness.